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  • Federal Act on Financial Services (FinSA)

    Information for our clients

    Federal Act on Financial Services (FinSA)

    Information for our clients

    General Information regarding FinSA

    FinSA entered into force on January 1st, 2020. The act contains information and transparency requirements vis-à-vis the client, so that the client can make informed decisions when dealing with the bank and its offering of products and services. This applies in particular to transactions on securities, derivatives or forward transactions.

    FinSA as well as the European regulation under MiFID II (in force since January 3rd, 2018) include the obligation to profile and segment clients.

    The scope of investor protection depends on the classification into the segments of retail (private) clients, professional clients and institutional clients. Acumentum AG carries out the profiling whenever possible directly with the client, who, as a result, is informed about the classification into the respective segment.

    Acumentum AG offer the following services:

    Information regarding Acumentum AG and the Self-Regulation Organisation VQF

    Acumentum AG is affiliated with the Self-Regulation Organisation VQF Financial Services Standards Association. The affiliation with FINControl Suisse Ltd, an independent Swiss Supervisory Organisation is envisaged for 2023, according to the dispositions of the Federal Financial Institutions Act (FinIA).

    Acumentum AG is a subsidiary of E. Gutzwiller & Cie, Banquiers, an authorized bank and securities dealer of the category private bankers, regulated through FINMA.

    Acumentum AG
    Stadthausquai 1
    CH-8001 Zurich
    Tel : +41 43 497 27 42


    General-Guisan-Strasse 6
    CH-6300 Zug
    Tel : +41 41 763 28 20


    FINcontrol Suisse Ltd
    c/o VQF
    General-Guisan-Strasse 6
    CH-6300 Zug
    Tel : +41 41 767 36 00


    Information regarding affiliation with Ombudsman’s office for financial services

    Acumentum AG is affiliated with FINOS, officially recognized ombudsman service. This independent Ombudsman’s office guarantees a professional and serious handling of complaints concerning affiliated companies.

    Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS)
    Talstrasse 20
    CH-8001 Zurich
    Tel : +41 44 552 08 00


    Risk information, product information/key information document

    Based on requirements by FinSA and in relation to investment activities of clients from the segment of retail (private) clients, we will provide product information relating to financial instruments as proposed or eventually as executed, as long as such is available.

    In the brochure “Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments” by SwissBanking, you find information on typical financial services as well as on the characteristics and risks of financial instruments. You may download the brochure here.

    Principles of best execution and handling of conflict of interests

    The principles of best execution by Acumentum AG are laid down in the following fact-sheet.

    Regarding the handling of conflict of interests, we refer you to the relevant fact-sheet. Acumentum AG is the investment advisor of the EG CHF Bond Fund (CHF), with E. Gutzwiller & Cie, Banquiers as main distributor. Further, Acumentum AG is investment advisor for a number of Actively Managed Certificates, issued by third-party financial institutions. For further details, please refer to your client advisor.

    Information on costs and fees

    Portfolio Management traditional
    Portfolio Management All-in
    Advisory Agreement

    Portfolio Management traditional
    Portfolio Management All-in
    Advisory Agreement

    Duties regarding Documentation, Rendering of account and Provision of documents

    Clients may request to receive a copy of their file, provided to them on a durable data medium. In first line, the information will be

    – on the received and executed orders
    – on the composition, valuation and development of the portfolio in respect of the management of client assets
    – on the development of the portfolio in respect of the management of client custody accounts
    – on the specific costs which the financial service provider is required to provide details

    Within the scope of these duties, it should be noted that the content of client exchanges is regis-tered. Currently, there is no recording of telephone conversations with clients taking place.